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Columns | whatblackmenwant
…Inside The Black Man's World


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Vision Image

A Vision That Won’t Die

Resolutions are created in an attempt to resolve an issue or concern that has been identified in the previous year.
by Tha Wisdom Kidd


Troy Davis is Laid to Rest

Davis was buried on October 2, 2011 in his home-town of Savannah Georgia. His funeral was attended by over 1,000 people who were supporters and pledged to keep fighting to prove his innocence.
by ivyprosper


Single Black Female

SBF – Who Fronts The Bill?

Single Black Female is back at it AGAIN: "Call me old fashioned but shouldn't a man front the bill for the first date"? Follow me on Twitter: @singleblackf
by singleblackf

BET 2012

BET Awards 2012 Style

The BET Awards always brings out some of the best and the worst in fashion.  There was everything from glamorous and sophisticated to hood and even downright trashy.
by ivyprosper


