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Fitness | whatblackmenwant
…Inside The Black Man's World


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WBMW Fitness Tip: Abdominal Plank

If a 2minute plank is relatively easy for you, then try a S.P.A.R.K.S Conditioning favorite called "Walking The Plank".
by marksparks

Overreacting with weights

Circuit Training

If you are a beginner or feel unsure about putting a program together consult a Fitness Professional for advice on Program Design or Personal Training.
by Grind Fitness



WBMW Fitness Tip: Running

t requires very little equipment, it can be done anywhere and you can go for as long or short a period as you'd like.
by marksparks

TRX workout

Your Workout To Go

Often times work doesn't allow for lots of free time and recreational trips often consist of relaxing and indulging, leaving your workout schedule to an after thought.
by Grind Fitness


