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News | whatblackmenwant | Page 4
…Inside The Black Man's World


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Now That’s B.I.G.!

A tribulation faced by many a college student from every walk of life. he B.I.G. (Black Intelligent Gentlemen) program at Minnesota State University Mankato
by Uncle Suave

malik_obama_and Barack_image

Obama’s Half-Brother’s Charity?

The group, the Barack H. Obama Foundation, was named after the president's father and founded by his sibling Abon'go Malik "Roy" Obama.
by noirmoustache



What The Chick-Fil-A Controversy Says About America

By now, I'm sure most of you have heard about the Chick-Fil-A controversy. I definitely had, and been discussing it with a friend earlier in the day.
by sgaither

Barrack Obama

Obama’s John Wayne tough, Shaft Cool…The New Age War President

Whether Americans want to admit it or not, they are always happier when they have a "War" President (and yes as a dual-citizen I am one of those Americans I speak of).
by Zamani Thomas, Esq.


