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Columns | whatblackmenwant | Page 4
…Inside The Black Man's World


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Rules of a Tie

Most men today don't even know that there were certain rules to wearing ties. It used to be that a man was supposed to wear a black tie with a dinner suit.
by ivyprosper

Money 4 Love

Why Women Have Sex: The Economics of Sex (Part I)

Women's sexuality is something that they can bestow or withhold, something that men want and value highly.
by sgaither



Sport Your Shorts

This is the time of year when men want to beat the heat just as much as the ladies do. That means wearing shorts, sandals and even rolling up your trousers for that preppy look.
by ivyprosper


It’s Not Your P***y, It’s Just Your Turn!

Too many times I have been around a homeboy who wants to play all tough and shit acting as if he don’t give two fucks whether the new chick he rapping to is really feeling him or not.
by Jack Tha Kid

